Stream of Consciousness

Welcome to the controversial life of a female player. These are my confidential confessions.

This blog is a stream of consciousness. Once my hands hit the keyboard, they do not stop typing until I am done writing. So if I get distracted, I will include those distracting thoughts or end the post abruptly.

Given its nature, I will not correct any typos I find later.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

SoC #95 I Hate Him Until He Texts Back

So tinderfella Phil hasn't responded to my last text. It's been like 22 hours. I posed a question in it too, so not responding wasnt optional, but intentional.

I'm hurt. I'm trying not to care, but what the hell! If you like someone, you respond. that's not over analyzing, is it? If someone likes you, they respond! If they don't like you, they may forget or intentionally ignore you. Either way, on your end, the end result is the same: no response.

So I hate him. And I'm checking my phone pretty often to see if he's going to goddamn reply. And i hate that im doing that more than I hate him!

Last night, I deleted our conversation off my phone, and I deleted his number. I do that when I worry that I may like a guy more than he likes me. If they never reply, their number is forever gone. If they do, I just add them back as a contact.

Anyway, this is all very lovely. I feel used. Lovely, just freakin lovely.

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